Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Week 02

I finished the Drum Tutor brief (html/Word.doc) last night, and Helen Le Voi has just finished reading it. To my surprise she liked it. I was expecting it to be thrown straight out. Though other ideas were rejected:
-The skate park. (not interactive enough)
-Motorised, paint-ball firing go-cart with targets on, which when hit, disengage the engine (Come on, that's Awesome!)
and I didn't dare mention the skinnable USB pluggable alarm clock, because without more than one sentence and a clear concept, any idea is going to sound pretty crap. Well, one out of four ain't bad.
Still, there was no hassle, just 'OK, get started'. Which threw me a little. 'Erm, right then. Where do I start?'. I suppose I'd better try to find Andy Huntington, I hope he's a friendly fellow.
My next steps should also involve reading about kinesthetic memory, or muscle memory and how I can link it to synesthesia. My preliminary research last night didn't reveal any noted links, so I may have to dig up some experts (Jamie Ward and Ramachandran watch your backs). Of course, that was a joke, Jamie Ward and Ramachandran are not, I'm sure, the only experts on synesthesia, and if anyone can help with my research, please email or comment.

I almost got put into a corner with questions about what I had actually been doing this term. Natch I managed to weasel my way out of answering, though I think it's pretty obvious to everyone the response should have been 'very little'. Now I have to develop other Major Project ideas, and write some more briefs. The D&AD comp still lingers over my head like a dark, smelly fart cloud. Like that smell you try to ignore by playing BF2, but in the end it will drive you to seek it out and destroy it at the source. So, I suppose what I'm saying is D&AD is a twin buttocked like entity, which emits clouds of rancid the form of competitions. Werd.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why arent you updating this?? seen ?? see ya soon, dave

12:22 am  

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